MQTT-TLS Tutorial

This document describes how to configure dojot to use MQTT over TLS.


For a device to connect using TLS with Mosquitto, it must possess:

  • A key pair (.key file);
  • A certificate signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) trusted by Mosquitto (.crt file);
  • The certificate of this CA (.crt file);
  • An entry on Mosquitto Access Control List (ACL), allowing the device to publish on a specific topic;
  • (optional) A Certificate Revocation List (CRL).

When a device is created, DeviceManager will automatically notify the following components:

  • IoTAgent: will register the new device on its internal cache.
  • MQTT-Manager: will create an entry on the ACL, allowing the device to publish on a specific topic.
  • EJBCA: will create an end entity so a certificate can be created on the future.

By default, dojot uses clear MQTT. To activate TLS, docker-compose.yml must be changed:

  • The image for service ‘mqtt’ must be changed from ‘ansi/mosquitto’ to ‘dojot/mqtt-manager’;
  • The public port for ‘mqtt’ service must be changed from ‘1883:1883’ to ‘8883:8883’;
  • The MQTT_TLS variable of ‘iotagent’ service must be set to true (lowercase).

On the configuration file ‘iotagent/config.json’:

  • The flag ‘secure’ should be changed to true



EJBCA is a complete Private Key Infrastructure (PKI) capable to manage CAs, cryptography keys and certificates. EJBCA provides a SOAP, web and a command line interface. EJBCA-REST is an wrapper on top of EJBCA that provides modern interfaces, like REST and Kafka.

EJBCA provides SOAP, web and command line interfaces. EJBCA-REST is a wrapper on top of EJBCA that complements those, allowing the CA to be configured using REST. When used within dojot, it also listens to Kafka events, allowing its automatic configuration.

What is a certificate?

A certificate contains the public key for an entity (a user, device, website), along with information about this entity, about the CA which signs the certificate, the allowed certificate usage and a checksum. When a entity wants a certificate to be signed, the entity should create a CSR file and send it to the desired CA. The CSR file is an ‘intention of certification’. The file contains the information required from the entity and some information about the certificate use, hostnames and IPs where the certificate will reside, alternative names for the entity, etc. EJBCA can decide, using its configured policies, what information to keep, to discard and to overwrite of the received CSR. EJBCA can refuse to sign a CSR if it concludes that it is not safe enough according to its policies.

These configurable policies are called ‘Certificate Profiles’. One Certificate profile named CFREE, specialized for MQTT TLS, is provided out of the box.

In short, CFREE have the following configurations (and many more):

  • Cryptography keys must have between 2048 and 8192 bits;
  • Certificate expires in 730 days;
  • Entities can define hostnames and IPs;
  • Key usage is marked as not critical (for now);
  • The hash algorithm is SHA256. The sign algorithm is RSA.

I have a CSR. How can I ask EJBCA to sign it for me?

Calm down! EJBCA will not allow strangers to ask for certification. You need to authenticate yourself. EJBCA use a username+password authentication system. The term ‘end entity’ will be used to refer to EJBCA users to follow the terms on EJBCA documentation and to avoid ambiguities between EJBCA users and dojot users. An administrator should create the end entity. An entity that was just created has the state ‘New’ an can generate a certificate. After signing a certificate for an entity, the end entity’s state changes to ‘Generated’ and will no longer accept this username and password. EJBCA ‘End entities’ can create only one certificate.

So, how does EJBCA work in dojot?

When creating a new device, an associated end entity is created in EJBCA. Its name will be the device’s ID (like ‘8fa3’) and its password will be always ‘dojot’.

A certificate can be signed by sending a HTTP POST request to host:1234/sign/<cname>/pkcs10. CName is the end entity’s name (or device). The payload sent with this request should be a JSON containing the end entity password and a CSR file (certificate intention) in base64 format.

Note that the URL is ‘routed’ by the API gateway. As in other APIs in dojot, a JWT is needed. You can find how to generate and how to use such token in User Guide.

In order to create the CSR file and ask for a certificate signature, a user can use a helper script called ‘Certificate Retriever’, which is detailed in Certificate retriever section.

MQTT Manager

MQTT-Manager is a helper service used to configure Mosquitto MQTT broker in a simple and ‘on-the-fly’ way. It can be configured using REST interfaces and Kakfa. Thus, HTTP requests or Kafka messages can be used to create and remove devices, as well as update CRL file (certification revocation list). This service is distributed as a docker container for easy deploy and its source code repository can be accessed in MQTT Manager repository.

Mosquitto by itself doesn’t generate nor revoke certificates, it only relies on a CA and implements TLS protocol. The ‘creation’ of a particular device consists only in adding a new rule to ACL file in Mosquitto. Such file looks like:

user iotagent
topic read /#
user 24f6
topic write /admin/24f6/attrs

Each rule is composed by two lines: the first one specifies the user (device) and the second one defines which action (write or read) is allowed to which topic. In the example above, the user iotagent can read all topics (# is a wildcard). Also, the device with ID 24f6 can write to topic /admin/24f6/attrs. The device ID is retrieved in ‘Common name’ certificate field.

If a device sends data to a topic which it has no write permissions, then all data is discarded. Mosquitto won’t log any errors related to this.

When the ACL is changes, Mosquitto must be restarted (or a SIGDUP signal can be sent to its process). MQTT-Manager does this automatically when creating or removing devices.

A script is executed when firing the container up. This script will generate a pair of keys to Mosquitto, retrieves the certificate and CRL from a CA and asks it to sign its public key. ALl generated files are placed in /usr/local/src/mosquitto-1.4.13/certs (inside the container).

Mosquitto will only accept device connections that have certificate signed by its trusty CA.

Also note that MQTT-Manager is used only in case when a TLS-enabled broker is needed. If this is not the case, then the vanilla Mosquitto docker image can be used.

Mosquitto configuration files

Checkout this commented Mosquitto configuration file:

# network port on which Mosquitto will accept new connections
port 8883

# Trusted CA certificate
cafile /usr/local/src/mosquitto-1.4.13/certs/ca.crt

# Mosquitto certificate
certfile /usr/local/src/mosquitto-1.4.13/certs/mosquitto.crt

# Mosquitto key par
keyfile /usr/local/src/mosquitto-1.4.13/certs/mosquitto.key

tls_version tlsv1.2

# If false, a device will check Mosquitto certificate, but Mosquitto won't check
# the device counterparts.
# If true, both checks are performed (2-way TLS)
require_certificate true

# Certificate Common Name field will be used as username.
# Thus, a device with 'CN=abc1' will have a 'user abc1' entry in Mosquitto's ACL
use_identity_as_username true

# Permission list file
acl_file /usr/local/src/mosquitto-1.4.13/certs/access.acl

crlfile /usr/local/src/mosquitto-1.4.13/certs/ca.crl

Note that for all configuration updates, it is mandatory to restart Mosquitto or to send a SIGDUP signal to its process.

Certificate retriever

This component is a helper script for device certificates creation. It is available at Certificate Retriever GitHub repository and it coded using Python 3.

A user can use it by executing:


The mandatory parameters are:

  • HOST: where dojot is. Example: http://localhost:8000
  • DEVICE-NAME: device name that will get a new certificate. Example: ac32
  • CA: CA which will sign the certificate. Example: IOTmidCA (this is the CA name used in dojot)

Other options are:

  • -u or –username USERNAME: dojot’s username. If this parameter is not specified here, it will be asked iteratively.
  • -w or –overwrite: overwrites any certificate files or criptographic keys if already existent.
  • -k or –key KEYLENGTH: size of the criptographic key being generated (in bits).
  • -d or –dns: Hostname where the certificate owner can be reached out. Note that this has no relation with DNS (Domain Name System) servers - this name was kept because x509 certificates have an attribute that is called DNS.
  • -i or –ip: same as -d, buto to specify IP address.
  • –skip-https-check: if dojot accepts HTTPS connections but it has no valid certificate, then this option will allow the connection to be made.

Note that authentication is performed in dojot. The script will ask for user credentials and will invoke user authentication automatically. The user needs permission for certificate signing to be able to use this script.

An end entity must exist in EJBCA in ‘New’ state before asking for a new certificate signature. When a new device is created, an end entity is automatically created in EJBCA by DeviceManager. This new end entity’s name is the device ID itself. Its password is ‘dojot’.

The script authenticates users with given username and password, retrieves CA certificate, generates a key pair as well as a CSR file and asks for certificate signature, in this order. Any error in any step will halt its execution.

After successfully executed, all certificates can be found in ‘./certs’ folder.

Important Notes

These are a few but important notes related to device security and associated subjects.

CRL (Certification Revocation List)

A CRL is a list which contains all revoked certificates. It is used to indicate which certificates are no longer valid (administratively set to invalid) as a normal certificate can be used for 1 to 5 years. This list is signed by CA and also has an expiration date - 1 day by default. In TLS protocol, if CRL is expired then the recommended action to be taken is to refuse all incoming connections, as there is no way to check if the certificates used in those connections are invalid or not. This procedure is implemented in Mosquitto.

Therefore, CA must generate a new list periodically. All components that use it must be updated.


TLS errors might be not so verbose as other problems. If an error occurrs, the user might not know what went wrong because no component indicates any problem. In this section there are some tips, frequent problems and debugging tools to find out what’s happening.

How to read a certificate

A certificate file can be in two formats: PEM (base64 text) or DER (binary). OpenSSL offers tools to read such formats:

openssl x509 -noout -text -in certFile.crt

To read a CRL:

openssl crl -inform PEM -text -noout -in crlFile.crl

Errors in secure connection handshake between device and Mosquitto

If any errors occur during connection handshake, something like the following error might appear in Mosquitto’s logs:

1514550332: New connection from on port 8883.
1514550332: OpenSSL Error: error:140940E5:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:ssl handshake failure

If this happens, try to establish connection using ‘openssl client’, as it is more verbose in error description.

openssl s_client -connect localhost:8883 -CAfile ca.crt -cert device.crt -key device.key

Common errors are shown by openssl_client (and _server as well):

  • SSL alert number 45: this error indicates that a certificate expired. Keep in mind that CRL also expires.
  • SSL alert number 48: received a valid certificate chain or partial chain, but the certificate was not accepted because the CA certificate could not be located or could not be matched with a known, trusted CA. This message is always fatal.
  • Alert unknown CA: check whether sent CA certificate is correct. If it is a sub-CA, check if all of its certificate chain was sent. This error also occurs if the CA certificate data (specially common name attribute) is the same as those from client certificate.

Handshake is OK, but no published data reaches iotagent

You can check whether the device could connect to MQTT broker by checking Mosquitto’s log:

1514482004: New client connected from as mqttjs_c011c22d (c1, k10, u'deviceName')

If that line shows up, it means that the TLS handshake worked and the device successfully connected to Mosquitto. Check if the device has an ACL entry in Mosquitto to allow it to publish data in the specified topic. Keep in mind that if a device publishes something in another topic (which it has no permission to publish) all data is discarded by Mosquitto with no warnings.